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Unveiling Dimensions in ToP™ Facilitation
Transform your approach to lead discussions, meetings, and change interventions with internationally recognized facilitators.
Date: 4th March, 2024 | Duration: 90 Minutes
India: 5.00PM | UAE: 3.30PM | Thailand, Vietnam: 6.30PM | Singapore, Australia (Perth): 7.30PM

Kevin Balm
Managing Partner, Australasia
Kevin has 25+ years of expertise across continents, and focuses on effective, systemic change and facilitative leadership practices.

Shruti Ambegaoker
Partner, India
Shruti brings 22+ years of experience and specializes in sustainable organizational development, leveraging ToP™ facilitation to build capabilities.
Hear from our masterclass speakers
We have enabled facilitators and leaders in global organizations, to strengthen their facilitation capabilities through our ToP™ programs. Here’s what they have to say.
My most valuable insight from the ToP™ programme was integrating the Doing, Knowing and Being dimensions of facilitation in a coherent frame. I appreciate how Core Creators’ trainers role modelled ToP™ as a structured and intentional process of designing an experience for authentic participation. The principles and methods of ToP™ have fundamentally reframed my practice as a consultant in facilitating OD interventions and multi-stakeholder engagements.
ToP™ is a step-by-step approach on facilitation methodologies to manage both individual and group conversations and consensus. The unique and most impressive aspect of this program is that it is woven to provide hands-on experience and I found myself adequately skilled and enabled in the processes to apply it in my work context. It has also helped me to design appropriate frameworks for my business HR consulting solutions. The ToP™ teams’ wealth of experience adds to the value of the program and provides adequate directive as to how it can be leveraged in business critical processes.
ToP™ methodology is values based & inclusive. It elegantly fosters participation of diverse stakeholders to crystallise decisions with collective commitment. It has enabled in many of my institution building roles.
In my role as Employment Programs Manager and previously as Manger, Training and Development both in what is now the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in Victoria, Australia, I have been invested in the ToP Facilitation Methods.
Initially, I was a participant in a three module, nine-day residential ToP program. The outcome was that it provided me with essential skills for my career and in my personal life going forward. It was a program that I wanted to share and knowing the work DELWP does with communities, I knew it was an ideal program for our upcoming Science and Planning Graduates. We have provided a two-day version of the program for our graduates over the last 18 years and I believe the outcomes have not only been a great benefit to the graduates but also the wider community!
Looking for more from us? Explore our Value Insights Diagnostics, Co-Created Transformations and Applied Capabilities solutions.